Parenting After Divorce

Parenting after divorce is very difficult on your child.  Its important to know that your children will need help adjusting to their new life.  Here are some tips I have found that benefit my clients in parenting. Your feelings matter too. Your marriage may have been over for years, but you will also have emotions

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Gray Divorce

Gray Divorce:  Increasing at an alarming rate. Lincoln County has seen an influx of residents over the age of 50.  Whether its the influx of communities centered at retirees, the desire to be closer to grandchildren, or lower North Carolina taxes, many individuals are relocating to our great county. With that, gray divorce has been

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Electronic Security in Divorce and Privacy Concerns

Electronic Security in Divorce and Privacy Concerns Electronic  security in divorce and privacy are big issues in modern day divorce and custody suits.  Spouses are using shared accounts and devices to access information that could be used at trial.  More attorneys are sending electronic preservation letters to opposing parties to preserve your electronic accounts, text messages, emails,

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Basics in Equitable Distribution: Presumptions, Factors, and Interesting factors

Basics in Equitable Distribution:  Presumptions, Factors, and Interesting factors. Absent a separation agreement or settlement, North Carolina courts will decide what is a fair, reasonable, and equitable division of assets looks like. Typically, there is a presumption of an equal division of property between the properties.  The courts may consider any factors that are outlined in

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Document, Document, Document in Equitable Distribution in North Carolina

Documentation is the key to Equitable Distribution Clients often ask what they need to be doing during for equitable distribution in North Carolina.  My advice will always be to document, document, document.  Want to make your divorce attorney very happy?  Save these documents for Equitable Distrubtion from the date you separated until your case is resolved.

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High Conflict Personalities in Family Law Cases

More and more, personalities of the parties is a major factor in dragging out court proceedings, reaching a reasonable settlement, and/or increasing attorney fee cost. High conflict personalities are often characterized by the following: Preoccupation with blaming others Inability to accept responsibility for one’s own actions Uncontrollable negative emotions Personal based attacks Triggering conflicts with

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